Something that shines tranceparently
「Something that shines transparently」
Authentic Embodiment through Contact improvisation and Bodywork.
17,18th March
This two-day workshop focuses on self-exploration and somatic healing through contact improvisation and bodywork in nature.
We will start from to find connection in between our somatic body and the nature, following the subtle movements that nature guides you while staying calm and quiet.
We will take time for solo expressions and contemplations while practicing the basics of contact impro as we embrace rolling over the earth, trees, rocks and roots.
WS contents include,
・Body anatomy
・Cranial sacral biodynamics(*1)
・Authentic movement(*2)
・Round Robin(*3)
Grounded in the fundamental understanding that the human organism naturally turns toward health and self-healing. (Think of a plant growing through obstacles toward the light.) We have all had moments, even if brief, of feeling at one with ourselves and the world around us. These experiences of calmness, centeredness or joy are expressions of health and well-being at our deepest core.
Authentic Movement is a meditative, intuitive, improvisational movement practice involving a mover and a witness. It is a practice of listening, attunement; slowing and opening to a deeper sensing of body and psyche.
The round robin is one of the foundational formats to practice and perform Contact Improvisation. It involves the formation of a circle by participants, in the middle of which one person begins a solo then is joined by another to form a duet. After some time, a person from the circle enters the space and a transitional trio emerges until one person leaves the dance and goes back to the circle.
※ During WS, there is a possibility of emotional outbursts and re-traumatization, so it is essential that all participants have a shared awareness of creating a safe space.
Datn and Time schedule
Valley coffee By Lanna resort
(Please note that locations are subject to change)
1200 baht
(We will ask 400 baht for a deposit to ensure we know the number of people)
1000 baht for Thai
Please bring clothes you don't mind getting dirty, also change, and a sarong to lay out on the grass for bodywork, enough drinking water!!
The drive through the surrounding nature is amazing.
We recommend you to participate with plenty of time to spare.
Registration and questions:
Mikis Taguchi
Facebook Mikis Taguchi
Mikis Taguchi was born and grow up in northan part of Japan.
He was introduced to Reiki and Noguchi Seitai in 2008.
In 2011, when the tsunami hit the Pacific side of Japan, he took the initiative to go to a buddist temple which was an evacuation center and naturally began to touch and massage for victims.
This experience gave him a deep inspiration for touch and buddhism. And in the same year he went to Chiang Mai, Thailand to learn Thai massage.
Since then he has taken many Thai massage courses, Chi Nei Tsang, Tok Sen, Chinese reflexology, Moxa therapy, Gua sha and other bodywork.
The fusion work of Thai massage and osteopathy "Osteothai" has been taught by co-founder David Lutt since 2016.
Idea of Osteothai create his foundation and shape his practice.
In recent years, he has been actively researching Contact improvisation, Authentic movement, Craniosacral therapy, Biodynamics and Gestalt therapy, Wuotai osteodance, Katsugen undo as a somatic field.
Since 2021, he moved his base to Thailand and continue to provide individual sessions, as well as regular Bodywork and Contact improvisation classes and workshops.
He has held workshops in Japan, Thailand, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Czech republic so far.
His skill and courteous touch are endorsed by a wide range of clients around the world.