Class for tomorrow

While therapy aims to return the body to its past state, healing uses the current situation to lead us deeper into soul consciousness, possibly even 'improving' the body.
“To be listened is to be healed, and to be listened to deeply is to be healed deeply.”
          Mike Boxhall

How do you deal with your body? 
Tomorrow's class is to listen to each other deeply.
With what kind of consciousness can you listen?
With what kind of attitude can you listen?
While therapy aims to return the body to its past state, healing uses the current situation to lead us deeper into soul consciousness, possibly even 'improving' the body.
           ーRam dasー
“To be listened is to be healed, and to be listened to deeply is to be healed deeply.”
          ーMike Boxhallー
How do you deal with your body? 
Tomorrow's class is to listen to each other deeply.
With what kind of consciousness can you listen?
With what kind of attitude can you listen?

 Event link

Photo Veronica Olariu from CI conference febraly at The Source.
WS 「Dance is where you find it」

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