Happy New year!
Life is suddely changed from where I don't have many opportunities to interact with people in Japan life.
It was definitely overwhelmed both physically and mentally by Contact impro gathering at the end of the year.
Probably it exceeds the number of hugs l had in one year in Japan, I had it in one day.
At the beginning of the year, I was very sentimental and my feet didn't seem to land on the ground.
After getting lost in such a thought, I participated in the next gathering.
This time, The time became to touch my feet on the land of Thailand again, taste the surrounding nature and realize that I am back in a diverse and fascinating community.
I was able to concentrate on our practices comfortably and I felt safe because of the space is holded softly and carefully leaded by Dolores. I really apreciate for it.
On the other hand, I was a little confused about the time other than work and the sense of distance from people.
I was fluffy between myself who wanted to be alone and myself who wanted to be with someone.
All the friends I met after a long time were shining brighter, and some of them seemed to be almost different
I was still overwhelmed.
I asked to big tree who was immovable in front of me, what was I doing in Japan?
I am still stay in Chiangdao in this moment.
Little by little, my friends left and I became one again.
Warm sunlight and soft breeze gradually harmonize the body and environment.
Walk barefoot, close my eyes and imagine the roots in the ground. Touch the big tree and feel the little bird stop at the tip of the branch.
I feel someone next to me.
Helen Keller.
I Smile.
I'm still in the process of arriving.
To a new beginning…
There is a poem from the experience of the fourth day of gathering.
Practices dedicated to those who have trauma ー
I just put a forehead on the ground
I just walk with my hands on the ground
I just want to get closer
I just want to feel it
Vibrations pass through the body
The gently pointed tips of the leaves sketch time and memories on my skin
It's sometimes as sharp as a claw
It's sometimes like bare the fangs and scoop out my inner surface
Violently entwined
Sad eyes
Reflexively moved body
Objectively witness the emotional soup flowing down from the upside-down body and eventually drying on a large rock
Looks like a sacrifice
Looks like with so much joy
I just put a forehead on the ground
Dedicate my body
Don't drink the same soup
Thank you for reading🙏